financial hardship

Though I need to make a living so I can sustainably help Fleurieu couples,  
I understand that some couples are currently experiencing financial hardship.

Please contact me if money is an obstacle to getting relationship help, and we can discuss your situation.

health care card - $80 per hour session

If either partner has a Health Care Card and would like a reduced rate, please mention this page when you book.  
I’ll sight some photo ID and the health care card in session.

deferred payment - within the next 12 months

If you are tight for money at the moment, I have offered deferred payment for some clients.  
This is based on the principle that as couples stabilise their relationship, often their finances stabilise too.  I don’t use debt collectors, but trust that clients repay as they are able, knowing that by doing so I can help other couples in the future.

free couples therapy

As a community service, I usually have a couple I am working with that would not be able to have therapy unless it was provided for free.  If I had a patron, I would provide more, and philanthropists are welcome to support his service.